I buoni sono i miei preferiti
anche se nei film vorrei
la vittoria dei cattivi

Hi! You can call me cellula. I'm a girl from italy and my english sometimes makes no sense so sorry about that.

So this website uhhhhhh. As I said in the index I discovered neocities in the late 2020, fell in love with it, forgot about it, then rediscovered it, fell in love with it, forgot about it, and the whole cycle happened again until I said well fuck it. Im making this site for real this time. So here I am, it sucks ass but at least I made it. The appeal of a personal website for me stems from the fact that since I was a child I've always felt so full of little things that I dont really tell people irl about, but it saddened me to think that they would always just stay inside me for the rest of my life, and when I die they would be gone with me. So this site is to get them out, at least to write them down somewhere where people can see them and maybe even like them in some way. Or something like that

My biggest interest is Mother Nature - and it applies in many different ways: from studying permaculture to goddess spirituality to gardening. Im always fucking talking about this stuff.

Unfortunately I am very lazy!! I am not a very consistent person, I change often. I LOVE fruit so much. I am very interested in feminism and I'm educating myself about it. I dont know how to write an about me page. Intelligence is not my greatest strenght. My biggest talent is acting sober. I am the strongest Soerba soldier and La Sintesi's biggest and probably only fan.

As i mentioned in the index, i was first on neocities in late 2020, so I really love the type of stuff that was there at the time, especially the secret pages!! I myself plan on putting a few on here, both ironic and serious (have fun finding them!) and again if your site has secret pages please contact me... i really want to see them bhjdhbdd

I love things and they probably love me back.

likes: prehistory, pools, clear water in general, gardening, psychoactive plants, italian trash culture, band-aids, sleep, the smell of gasoline, excessive punctuation (like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), ironic hashtags

dislikes: patriarchal religions, lasagna, the word "scarabocchio", childproof lids, cinema, beef wellington why the fuck would you choose to eat that

fav food: figs, spinach, olives, dates, tea, anything with coconut, salted caramel, leeks, beans, pbjs, oat milk

Here are some of my favourite albums and songs (also check out my playlists and my shrines page for my favorite artists!)

these are fun

I am Cubone! I am a Togetic!

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?

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The zebra's stripes are known to protect it from blood-sucking insects

Want your own? Visit hekate.neocities.org!

Find out which drug you are @ star-girl.org!

I'm a Common Toad!
The largest toad found commonly in Europe, the Bufo Bufo species can grow up to 20cm in length with a rotund body. Active mostly at night, this toad will walk about slowly, sometimes making short jumps, in search of insects, worms and other invertebrates. This makes it of great help to farmers. At the end of autumn it buries itself in the soil where it remains until good weather arrives again.

What kind of Frog are you?

sooooooooooooo if you want to contact me heres my email :333

these are real, 100% unedited pictures of me (not clickbait)

reading: Alchemy Of Herbs - Rosalee de la Foret
listening to: Vulpin Adventure OST - Woods (my childhood)
currently: witnessing art twitter drama
plotting: to accept whatever happens